This update isn’t too exciting, honestly. New mobs are cool, but I think it’d be better to add things like the semen system from pistons and other core features first. Mobs can come later once everything else is in place.
Watching this one very closely - has a lot of potential. This is definitely an AFK game, and in my opinion the time to get resources is too long (you literally just wait and do nothing else). Love the art.
Ya lo probé Realmente muy bueno aunque se puede mejorar como a la hora de hacer zoom se pueda mover y agregar mas cosas y escenas distintas, esperemos que el creador la siga dando continuidad, realmente tienes mucho potencial.
I’m always pleasantly surprised by this game. Crime is doing an amazing job, and I can see that soon the project will be polished like a diamond. I recently had a thought about how this is the most unique and different Clicker game I’ve ever seen haha.
The new emerald system, trades, crafting, and inventory are fascinating—way, way cooler than the old one, especially because it opens up interesting possibilities.
I managed to finish the game pretty quickly due to a small issue in the trading system. You can buy pumpkins for 3 emeralds and sell them for 5, which basically means infinite money… I think that if you buy something, the seller shouldn’t be able to buy it back at the same price (let alone for more!). So, if you buy something for 3, you should only be able to sell it for 2. If you buy something for 1, then you should have to sell two of those for 1.
Regarding the main addition, the Creeper Girl, I found her interesting. I imagined her with smaller breasts and a bigger butt—I don’t know, but the Creeper’s shape gives me that impression. As for future characters being added, I feel like we’ll soon run into the problem where new characters are added just to increase the roster rather than introduce interesting mechanics (obviously, each one has their own drop, but that’s it). I mentioned on Twitter when I saw that the Creeper was being added, and I still stand by my opinion: it would be hilarious if she exploded when she orgasms, and if similar things happened with other mobs—like milk leaking from the cow’s breasts, wool growing on the sheep and getting sheared, stuff like that. But to wrap up this part, when you put the Creeper’s clothes on the cow with grown breasts, the animation looks a bit weird.
I didn’t find the regular carrot. Was I being a noob, or is it just not in this version?
I found it interesting that the mobs have “preferences”—I think this refers to whether penetration is anal or vaginal. It’s subtle but noticeable, and that’s really cool. (Could some of them prefer smaller or bigger dildos too? Faster or slower? When we get other types of penetration, will any mob prefer a new type? Just throwing out ideas…)
I was really happy to read that Crime wants to add minigames to the game—I think they could greatly expand the gameplay experience.
I just want to reinforce my opinion that the horse dildo doesn’t really look like a horse one, and that some interesting mechanics could come from dildo sizes and the expansion (or reduction?) of the mobs’ breasts and butts. I like the idea of using items on the mobs and having them drop items—there’s a lot of potential to work with.
Anyway, I could say much more, but I’ll stop here. Great update! I’m looking forward to the next ones!
Edit: will it be possible to charge the creeper girl? hahah
I also did a play through earlier and I can confirm that either the carrot is hidden really well, or it isn't added. I personally think that it would be good to make the carrot like the milk or the wool, being that you get it when they orgasm (coming from the farmer girl). In my review I didn't rate it and you didn't either. Personally for me it is a 4/5 because it was a good update that added good features, however there is still room for improvement. What would you say that the main area for improvement is?
I like it when things are unique, when there’s nothing else like them, and when each thing has a reason to exist. That’s why, in my reviews, I talk about things like how the size of the dildo on the piston could be a mechanic, or how vaginal and anal penetration should have some difference, or how the farm girl could have a farming minigame…
I think this is where the game has a lot of room to grow. I find it complex and unlikely to add anything story-related beyond cutscenes (which seem to have been promised…), so aside from good gameplay, with these very specific mechanics, it still remains a game about sex. But since sex is always on the screen, I imagine these small rewards need to come at some point within the game—whether it’s completing a quest (minigame), crafting a very difficult item, or saving up a lot of money to buy something… etc.
Check out the latest hot patch I've fixed pumpkins, carrots, and some visual elements. It's better to delete the old version and saves and install the new one for the fixes to take effect
idk about this new 2.5 update. makes the game overcomplicated. i really don't think a porn game should have me questioning how to get wood planks to make a bed. its a porn game. come the fuck on, man.
just re downloaded & finished the entire game, during my play through I noticed a few things:
1. Pumpkins have an exploit where you can sell it for 166.66% of the normal price, making it very easy to immediately become rich and never have to grind for emeralds ever again. Furthermore, while on the topic of pumpkins, it would be nice if owning the items like the marker and the pumpkin pie made it easier to make the animal orgasm, similar to how you could get a emerald multiplier in the previous update.
2. You can't get the regular carrot. Simple as that. Other comments are also stating this such as YujiroTheOgre and ottav. If there is a way to get it, could you make it easier or give hints inside the game please?
3. (this is a personal choice) The cake should make the ass grow larger because it is harder to get than the pie, and cake is already another way to say ass.
4. The hearts should be bigger, and more rounded because you made everything else in this game round instead of square, also maybe a color change but I don't know what color it would be changed to. Or maybe you could add a percentage bar that you could toggle to in the settings.
5. The pictures on the main page should be changed because they show previous game play additions (specifically the emerald counter) which in my opinion, conflict with each other.
6. The rocket is too small and is difficult to to: put inside pussy/ass, which was annoying for me because i was trying to find anything I could to get a carrot (involved me trying to get an orgasm with the farmer girl using the rocket for like 3 mins). It is also difficult to get a HARD score. And it is really easy to make the rocket accidentally fall out, which is why I had so much trouble getting the orgasm bar full with it.
7. While the new crafting menu is extremely good, there are some things that could be changed. For example, you can't actually drag the items into the crafting bench. Additionally, I think that it would be good to add an item indicator to tell you what the item you are hovering over is. This would help because, at least for me, I was confused because I had no idea how to get gunpowder until I eventually thought about the creeper.
Overall good update, can't wait to see what you do next
Ps. I'm the first one to 100% new update, came here 2 mins after publish 👍
Not a 10/10 but has the potential with a hotfix. First of all, it's a goon game so no need to fix the pumpkin exploit. Second the carrot is unobtainable from what I've found and third is that the controls to get hard thrusts seem to have gotten worse and the rocket for some reason doesn't give hard. Any way it's definitely a 9/10 rn and a great game.
Терпение друг мой, разраб написал в одном из ответов на коментарии о том что обновление должно выйти в течении нескольких дней. Хотя оно может и задержаться
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como lo puedo instalar, me sale que hay un conflicto con un paquete
Hi i love s.ex my contact here
How do I get to the third location? (Does the game have a demo version and do I need to buy a full version?)
Game so good i finished it in 1 hour w creator bro can i get a shoutout
How to get carrot?
buy on the store
This update isn’t too exciting, honestly. New mobs are cool, but I think it’d be better to add things like the semen system from pistons and other core features first. Mobs can come later once everything else is in place.
How to get wood?
craft the map piece, trade it for the map, then on the top right of the trader screen move from the farm to the forest
finally!!, the new updated, im exited!
How do you do it?
get 69 or 420 emeralds
why did all my progress reset when updating the game?
Hey, where did the money go? Khvvkh. Now crafting some.. Okay, that's interesting.
Firework clips through the belly of creepergirl, the crop of bed png can be seen on bigger display. (the things i noticed so far)
I wish Alex and the Farmer reacted when you changed stuff in the piston men
i sadly cannot update as this pops up
Try deleting the old game first.
ooh alright
Me pasa lo mismo
what do seeds do
This item is for the future updates and doesn't have any use atm
love the update!!!
can't wait for the next one!!!
Watching this one very closely - has a lot of potential. This is definitely an AFK game, and in my opinion the time to get resources is too long (you literally just wait and do nothing else). Love the art.
Скажите как достать морковку? Я все перепробовал, даже переустановил игру с версии 0.2.5 на
How to make the Creeper Girl explode?
This game IS amazing, I liked very 🗿
awesome update!
Ya lo probé Realmente muy bueno aunque se puede mejorar como a la hora de hacer zoom se pueda mover y agregar mas cosas y escenas distintas, esperemos que el creador la siga dando continuidad, realmente tienes mucho potencial.
Good game man, been here since the Beginning!!!
Vamos a probarlo a ver qué pd, vamos a ver si ahora sí hornicratf dice por fin un digno oponente
How do I get a carrot?
Obs: I loved the new update
you aren't able to get the carrot as of now
Ah okay, thanks :3
carrot is 5 emeralds first shop, golden carrot is second shop
the hotfix patched the carrot, it wasnt possible to get when he made the comment and when i made the reply
Update to hot patch fixes for pumpkins, carrots, and visuals. Delete old versions and saves for full effect
I bought 1,032 seeds and nothing happened help
you can sell them in your inventory for 100% of the emeralds, this game is nice with selling.
Whats the new funny number?
69 or 420 emeralds
Guys, it’s time for the update 0.2.5 review.☕☕
I’m always pleasantly surprised by this game. Crime is doing an amazing job, and I can see that soon the project will be polished like a diamond. I recently had a thought about how this is the most unique and different Clicker game I’ve ever seen haha.
The new emerald system, trades, crafting, and inventory are fascinating—way, way cooler than the old one, especially because it opens up interesting possibilities.
I managed to finish the game pretty quickly due to a small issue in the trading system. You can buy pumpkins for 3 emeralds and sell them for 5, which basically means infinite money… I think that if you buy something, the seller shouldn’t be able to buy it back at the same price (let alone for more!). So, if you buy something for 3, you should only be able to sell it for 2. If you buy something for 1, then you should have to sell two of those for 1.
Regarding the main addition, the Creeper Girl, I found her interesting. I imagined her with smaller breasts and a bigger butt—I don’t know, but the Creeper’s shape gives me that impression. As for future characters being added, I feel like we’ll soon run into the problem where new characters are added just to increase the roster rather than introduce interesting mechanics (obviously, each one has their own drop, but that’s it). I mentioned on Twitter when I saw that the Creeper was being added, and I still stand by my opinion: it would be hilarious if she exploded when she orgasms, and if similar things happened with other mobs—like milk leaking from the cow’s breasts, wool growing on the sheep and getting sheared, stuff like that. But to wrap up this part, when you put the Creeper’s clothes on the cow with grown breasts, the animation looks a bit weird.
I didn’t find the regular carrot. Was I being a noob, or is it just not in this version?
I found it interesting that the mobs have “preferences”—I think this refers to whether penetration is anal or vaginal. It’s subtle but noticeable, and that’s really cool. (Could some of them prefer smaller or bigger dildos too? Faster or slower? When we get other types of penetration, will any mob prefer a new type? Just throwing out ideas…)
I was really happy to read that Crime wants to add minigames to the game—I think they could greatly expand the gameplay experience.
I just want to reinforce my opinion that the horse dildo doesn’t really look like a horse one, and that some interesting mechanics could come from dildo sizes and the expansion (or reduction?) of the mobs’ breasts and butts. I like the idea of using items on the mobs and having them drop items—there’s a lot of potential to work with.
Anyway, I could say much more, but I’ll stop here. Great update! I’m looking forward to the next ones!
Edit: will it be possible to charge the creeper girl? hahah
I also did a play through earlier and I can confirm that either the carrot is hidden really well, or it isn't added. I personally think that it would be good to make the carrot like the milk or the wool, being that you get it when they orgasm (coming from the farmer girl). In my review I didn't rate it and you didn't either. Personally for me it is a 4/5 because it was a good update that added good features, however there is still room for improvement. What would you say that the main area for improvement is?
I like it when things are unique, when there’s nothing else like them, and when each thing has a reason to exist. That’s why, in my reviews, I talk about things like how the size of the dildo on the piston could be a mechanic, or how vaginal and anal penetration should have some difference, or how the farm girl could have a farming minigame…
I think this is where the game has a lot of room to grow. I find it complex and unlikely to add anything story-related beyond cutscenes (which seem to have been promised…), so aside from good gameplay, with these very specific mechanics, it still remains a game about sex. But since sex is always on the screen, I imagine these small rewards need to come at some point within the game—whether it’s completing a quest (minigame), crafting a very difficult item, or saving up a lot of money to buy something… etc.
Check out the latest hot patch I've fixed pumpkins, carrots, and some visual elements. It's better to delete the old version and saves and install the new one for the fixes to take effect
idk about this new 2.5 update. makes the game overcomplicated. i really don't think a porn game should have me questioning how to get wood planks to make a bed. its a porn game. come the fuck on, man.
just watch something then ._. no ones making you play this game
just re downloaded & finished the entire game, during my play through I noticed a few things:
1. Pumpkins have an exploit where you can sell it for 166.66% of the normal price, making it very easy to immediately become rich and never have to grind for emeralds ever again. Furthermore, while on the topic of pumpkins, it would be nice if owning the items like the marker and the pumpkin pie made it easier to make the animal orgasm, similar to how you could get a emerald multiplier in the previous update.
2. You can't get the regular carrot. Simple as that. Other comments are also stating this such as YujiroTheOgre and ottav. If there is a way to get it, could you make it easier or give hints inside the game please?
3. (this is a personal choice) The cake should make the ass grow larger because it is harder to get than the pie, and cake is already another way to say ass.
4. The hearts should be bigger, and more rounded because you made everything else in this game round instead of square, also maybe a color change but I don't know what color it would be changed to. Or maybe you could add a percentage bar that you could toggle to in the settings.
5. The pictures on the main page should be changed because they show previous game play additions (specifically the emerald counter) which in my opinion, conflict with each other.
6. The rocket is too small and is difficult to to: put inside pussy/ass, which was annoying for me because i was trying to find anything I could to get a carrot (involved me trying to get an orgasm with the farmer girl using the rocket for like 3 mins). It is also difficult to get a HARD score. And it is really easy to make the rocket accidentally fall out, which is why I had so much trouble getting the orgasm bar full with it.
7. While the new crafting menu is extremely good, there are some things that could be changed. For example, you can't actually drag the items into the crafting bench. Additionally, I think that it would be good to add an item indicator to tell you what the item you are hovering over is. This would help because, at least for me, I was confused because I had no idea how to get gunpowder until I eventually thought about the creeper.
Overall good update, can't wait to see what you do next
Ps. I'm the first one to 100% new update, came here 2 mins after publish 👍
i like the rocket be hard to control, its more fun try and try and try that do it at first
How do you get emeralds?
Edit: never mind I figured it out
New update! Will post my honest rating in the replies later.
I heard you are adding mods to this and since your adding twilight forest will you be adding the Aether?
Ya va actualizar hoy 27 creo que es la actualización así que toca esperar
very great game 10/10!!! update? when?
New update dropped!!
Sheesh bro!!!
What there will be for this next update? Its been revealed already?
Обновления планируются, или уже всё?
Терпение друг мой, разраб написал в одном из ответов на коментарии о том что обновление должно выйти в течении нескольких дней. Хотя оно может и задержаться